VTP Blue Waters's profile

Location: Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Member: September 27, 2021
Listings: 1
Last active: September 27, 2021
Description: Live with VTP Blue Waters in a tranquil climate since it will hinder you with every one of its contributions which incorporate wonderful views. On the off chance that you would require a municipality, way of life joined with numerous offices, then, at that point perhaps you can depend on the decision one such municipality can offer. The VTP realty bunch has carried this venture to everybody. They offer open homes empowered with a scope of various designs. In case you're searching for an alternative in Pune-away from the city's hustle-clamor, this municipality will present to you a solid climate.
Phone: 8884333654
  • Maharashtra
    / Real Estate

    6000000.00 ₹

    September 27, 2021

    https://www.vtpbluewaters.org.in/ VTP Blue Waters is a VTP Realty Group's private municipality project which is situated in Mahalunge, Pune. VTP Blue Waters a prelaunch adventure spreads over a gigantic 100-section of land region, lodging 1, 2, 3, and 3 Resident duplex units. A delightfu...