Dr. Michelle Weiner's profile

Location: Miami Beach, Florida, United States
Member: July 3, 2024
Listings: 1
Last active: July 5, 2024
Description: Dr. Michelle Weiner is the pain management specialist. A Florida-based pain therapist that has gone through certification to work as a pain therapist for over a decade. Dr. Michelle Weiner is Double board-certified in Interventional Pain Medicine, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Dr. Michelle Weiner has had her practice in Florida for the last 12 years and she is a pain management therapist who is recognized as a specialist within the given field. It is worth mentioned that the medicinal treatment that we intended for making is also among many objectives of our society team that gives in life style.
Phone: 09549197706
  • Florida
    Beauty & Personal Care / Health - Beauty

    33140.00 US$

    July 3, 2024

    Dr. Michelle Weiner is the pain management expert in Miami Beach. Her team blends conventional treatments with advanced therapies to enhance neuroplasticity, manage pain, and support mental well-being. If you aim to alleviate pain or elevate your overall quality of life, our devoted team...