Legal Services
529 - 576 of 1099 listingsListings
Criminal Law Attorney in Delhi NCRCheck with sellerLegal Services New Delhi (Delhi) November 8, 2023Supreme Court being the Apex Court of India, is also the highest appellate authority in criminal matters. Under certain circumstances, criminal appeal to the Supreme Court can be made as a matter of right and in other an appeal to the Supreme Court i...
Technology Lawyer in Delhi NCRCheck with sellerLegal Services New Delhi (Delhi) November 8, 2023IT security companies granularly exist for the maintenance of the integrity and confidentiality of the users’ classified information. They are responsible for protecting the data on computers and networks from unauthorized access, data breaches and a...
Explaining Cross FIR & Counter FIRCheck with sellerLegal Services New Delhi (Delhi) November 8, 2023Like a FIR, counter FIR is also filed under Section 154 of the Criminal Procedure Code (Cr. P.C.) of 1973. There is no special provision in Criminal procedure 1973 which deals specifically with the filing of a counter FIR. Clause 1 of Section 154 pro...
Differentiating Counter FIR & Counter ComplaintCheck with sellerLegal Services New Delhi (Delhi) November 8, 2023A complaint as defined under Section 2(d) of Criminal Procedure Code is an oral or written allegation made to the magistrate with a view of him taking action against a person who has committed a cognizable or in cognizable offence. Complaints filed b...
Ottawa Criminal Defense Attorneys – Brett McgarryCheck with sellerLegal Services Ottawa (Ontario) November 8, 2023Need to hire a criminal lawyer in Ottawa? Look no further than Brett McGarry! We have extensive legal experience and are dedicated to providing justice and quickly freeing our clients from jail. We typically meet with our client in jail on the same b...
Five Landmark Cheque Bounce CasesCheck with sellerLegal Services New Delhi (Delhi) November 7, 2023Dalmia Cement (Bharat) Ltd v. M/S.Galaxy Trades & Agencies Ltd. (Appeal (Crl.) 957 of 2000),In this case The Supreme Court noted that Section 138 of the Negotiable Instrument Act was enacted with the specific purpose of establishing a particular prov...
Criminal Law Attorney in Delhi NCRCheck with sellerLegal Services New Delhi (Delhi) November 7, 2023The Negotiable Instruments Act (as amended in 2015), and the Negotiable Instruments (Amendment) Act, 2015, established that, the jurisdiction for bringing a complaint under section 138 of the Act would be the location of the drawee bank. “Logically, ...
Grounds of Bail in a Cheque Bounce CaseCheck with sellerLegal Services New Delhi (Delhi) November 7, 2023Regular Bail- this is usually issued to someone who has been arrested or is being held by the police. Sections 437 and 439 of the Criminal Procedure Code provide for the filing of a bail application for ordinary bail. • Interim Bail- This form of bai...
Filing an Appeal in a Cheque Bounce CaseCheck with sellerLegal Services New Delhi (Delhi) November 7, 2023In a recent instance, the Madras High Court decided that under Section 378(4) of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, an appeal against the acquittal of the accused in a cheque bounce case, can only be filed before the High Court. A High Court Bench...
Criminal Law Attorney in Delhi NCRCheck with sellerLegal Services New Delhi (Delhi) November 7, 2023Complaint must be filed within 30 days after receipt of the response to the cheque bounce legal notice, or within 30 days after 15 days from the date of receipt of the notice, provided that no response from the cheque drawing received. However there ...
De-Coding the Draft E-Commerce Rules of 2021Check with sellerLegal Services New Delhi (Delhi) November 6, 2023The Draft E-commerce Rules of 2021 has been formulated to improve the e-commerce structure in India. Further, a level playing is sought between the startups in India and the big Corporations in India. This is further aimed at creating an appropriate ...
De-Coding the Draft E-Commerce Rules of 2021Check with sellerLegal Services New Delhi (Delhi) November 6, 2023The Draft E-commerce Rules of 2021 has been formulated to improve the e-commerce structure in India. Further, a level playing is sought between the startups in India and the big Corporations in India. This is further aimed at creating an appropriate ...
Legal Advice for Challenges faced by Corporations renderingCheck with sellerLegal Services New Delhi (Delhi) November 6, 2023“Is rendering stock advisory services in India illegal ? No, rendering stock advisory services in India is not illegal. Can stock brokers give stock advisory services in India ? Yes, stock brokers give stock advisory services in India.
Legal Advice for Challenges faced by Corporations renderingCheck with sellerLegal Services New Delhi (Delhi) November 6, 2023“Is rendering stock advisory services in India illegal ? No, rendering stock advisory services in India is not illegal. Can stock brokers give stock advisory services in India ? Yes, stock brokers give stock advisory services in India.
Legal Advice on Countering & Reporting of CyberbullyingCheck with sellerLegal Services New Delhi (Delhi) November 6, 2023“Cyberbullying cannot be exactly termed as a cyber crime in India but carries a lot of repercussions upon the person who has actually faced it. This involves use of online media and social media platform to lynch and/or tarnish someone’s image virtua...
Legal Advice for Corporates before they commence ManufacturingCheck with sellerLegal Services New Delhi (Delhi) November 6, 2023“Many foreign Corporations want to set up their manufacturing units in India and th same can be done directly either by way of Foreign Direct Investment in India or FDI in India or indirectly through collaboration with an Indian manufacturer.
Legal Advice on Countering & Reporting of CyberbullyingCheck with sellerLegal Services New Delhi (Delhi) November 6, 2023"Cyberbullying cannot be exactly termed as a cyber crime in India but carries a lot of repercussions upon the person who has actually faced it. This involves use of online media and social media platform to lynch and/or tarnish someone’s image virtua...
Criminal Defense & Obtaining BailCheck with sellerLegal Services New Delhi (Delhi) November 3, 2023Bail under the criminal law means the release of an accused or a convicted person contingent on personal bond or assurance to adhere to the conditions imposed by the Court. As per the provisions of Section 436 of Cr. P.C., if the supposed crime is a ...
Criminal Defense & Obtaining Anticipatory BailCheck with sellerLegal Services New Delhi (Delhi) November 3, 2023Under the criminal law it is the Court has the discretion to grant Anticipatory Bail, to any person or an accused person who is apprehending an arrest for any Non-Bailable offence in near future by the virtue of Section 438 of the Cr. P.C. The discre...
Obtaining Bail in a Criminal CaseCheck with sellerLegal Services New Delhi (Delhi) November 3, 2023Unlike a Bailable offence, Bail is not a right of the accused in a Non-Bailable offence in light of the seriousness of the crime committed. Section 437 of Cr. P.C. authorizes the discretion to the Court to release any person who is accused of the com...
Laws on Prevention of Gold Smuggling in IndiaCheck with sellerLegal Services New Delhi (Delhi) November 3, 2023Gold Smuggling is a criminal offence in India and there are different Central laws which prevent and prohibit the same. Having said that, there are a catena of criminal defenses which are available to the accused in the case of Gold Smuggling. There ...
Trademark Registration & the Pharmaceutical IndustryCheck with sellerLegal Services New Delhi (Delhi) November 3, 2023Pharmaceutical Industries are one of the sensitive sector in the world. The major issue with these industries is protection of their rights and its usage. There are two sides to this. One, to secure them from being misused and the other, to get benef...
Marks & HarrisonFreeLegal Services Alexandria (Virginia) November 2, 2023Personal Injury Attorney in Alexandria, VA Personal injury law exists to ensure that victims are not left without recourse when they are injured at no fault of their own. However, the path toward compensation can be complex, and an experienced injury...
Criminal Defenses & Forensic Evidences in a Murder TrialCheck with sellerLegal Services New Delhi (Delhi) November 2, 2023The Court Proceedings in India have time and again reiterated the authenticity and admissibility of forensic evidence in criminal cases. Section 45 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 provides discretion upon the Court to count upon the opinions of the ...
Criminal Attorney in Delhi NCRCheck with sellerLegal Services New Delhi (Delhi) November 2, 2023Economic frauds and/or financial frauds occurs usually when someone deprives you of your monetary resources or injures your financial health through deceptively misleading or illegal procedures. This can be achieved through various ways such as Inves...
Current Legal Status of Live-in Relationships in IndiaCheck with sellerLegal Services New Delhi (Delhi) November 2, 2023The traditional Indian societies have always scowled upon the concept of live-in relationship because, unlike marriages, such cohabitation not only lacks legal sanctity but is also believed to disintegrate the fabrication of social order. However, on...
Criminal Attorney in Delhi NCRCheck with sellerLegal Services New Delhi (Delhi) November 2, 2023The law in India is well settled that, false complaints reported to the police or any concerned authority by either of the spouses against another for mistreatment, abusive behaviour on demand of dowry, shall amount to cruelty. The legal procedures h...
Criminal Attorney in Delhi NCRCheck with sellerLegal Services New Delhi (Delhi) November 2, 2023Illicit traffic or abuse of narcotics drug or psychotropic substance or controlled substance is a major problem not only in India but in the whole world. It is affecting both the health of the citizens as well as the health of the Indian economy. Her...
Registering a Domain Name as a TrademarkCheck with sellerLegal Services New Delhi (Delhi) November 1, 2023As the world is moving towards globalization, e-commerce websites have also started dominating the market. Keeping this evolution in mind the relevancy of Domain Names in the world on the internet has started playing an important role. The Domain Nam...
Proposed to be used TrademarkCheck with sellerLegal Services New Delhi (Delhi) November 1, 2023In India it is not mandatory to register one’s Trademark in order to get protection as one can anytime avail the remedy of passing-off. But, normally it is advisable to register one’s trademark associated with one’s business as the registration will ...
Trademark Registration of a Company SloganCheck with sellerLegal Services New Delhi (Delhi) November 1, 2023A brand’s intellectual responsibility is carried by its slogan. Slogans convey the business’s message alongside the brand, and are sometimes as important as or more important than the brand. Slogans, also known as tag lines, give a business or brand ...
Applying for a Trademark Registration of a Book’s NameCheck with sellerLegal Services New Delhi (Delhi) November 1, 2023Works created by author comes under the ambit of literary works and therefore for the very first instance we assume that it will be protected under the Copyright laws and particularly under the Copyright Act of 1957. Under the copyright laws the work...
Removal of a Registered trademark from the Register of TrademarksCheck with sellerLegal Services New Delhi (Delhi) November 1, 2023A trademark is a symbol that can be used to differentiate one’s product or service from that of another. Since we associate icons and colours with a certain company or product, it is important for that product’s distinguishable identity to be protect...
Protection of Unregistered TrademarksCheck with sellerLegal Services New Delhi (Delhi) October 31, 2023Even if an unregistered mark lacks the legislative protection that registered marks have, the law recognises unregistered marks that have gained ample reputation without registration. In the event that a registered mark is misappropriated, the right ...
Procedure to Report Trademark InfringementCheck with sellerLegal Services New Delhi (Delhi) October 31, 2023Trademark infringement happens when one party uses the trademark of another party in a manner which is not authorized. Trademark infringement is the violation of the exclusive rights attached to the registered trademark which is attached to the use o...
IP Attorney in Delhi NCRCheck with sellerLegal Services New Delhi (Delhi) October 31, 2023The Calcutta High Court held in Imperial Tobacco Company of India Ltd v. Registrar of Trademarks (AIR 1968 Cal 582, 73 CWN 169), that “the trade mark “Shimla” with the label is composite in nature.” It is a well-known Indian hill station. As a result...
IP Attorney in Delhi NCRCheck with sellerLegal Services New Delhi (Delhi) October 31, 2023The relative grounds for denial of registration are outlined in Section 11 of the Trade Marks Act of 1999. The aim of this provision is to safeguard the interests of registered trademark owners. The Section 11(1) states that if the public is likely t...
Explaining Trademark OppositionsCheck with sellerLegal Services New Delhi (Delhi) October 31, 2023Trademark opposition is an essential part of the trademark registration process in India. Once a trademark has been published in the Trademarks Journal, it may be challenged. Any aggrieved individual may challenge the registration of a mark published...
Explaining Trademark OppositionsCheck with sellerLegal Services Aarburg (Delhi) October 31, 2023Trademark opposition is an essential part of the trademark registration process in India. Once a trademark has been published in the Trademarks Journal, it may be challenged. Any aggrieved individual may challenge the registration of a mark published...
Moseley Collins LawFreeLegal Services Seattle (Washington) October 30, 2023Moseley Collins Law Moseley has been a personal injury attorney for over 40 years, representing catastrophically injured people, involving all types of injuries, including brain injuries, bone injuries, medical malpractice, car accident injuries and ...
Protection & Usage of Unregistered TrademarkCheck with sellerLegal Services New Delhi (Delhi) October 30, 2023In the case of Whirpool Cooperation v. NR Dongre, 1705 of 1995, Whirpool is into manufacturing and selling home appliances. Whereas NR Dongre was in the field of assembling units which means that he would collect different parts of washing machines a...
Protection & Usage of Unregistered TrademarkCheck with sellerLegal Services New Delhi (Delhi) October 30, 2023In the case of Whirpool Cooperation v. NR Dongre, 1705 of 1995, Whirpool is into manufacturing and selling home appliances. Whereas NR Dongre was in the field of assembling units which means that he would collect different parts of washing machines a...
Mergers: Tool to Survive the Second Wave of Covid19Check with sellerLegal Services New Delhi (Delhi) October 30, 2023A merger is a voluntary combining of two companies legally into one legal entity. The companies should have similar sizes, values and customer bases to be a merger and not an acquisition. If both parties expect to benefit from the merger, it qualifie...
Criminal Attorney in Delhi NCRCheck with sellerLegal Services New Delhi (Delhi) October 30, 2023The term ‘Black-Marketing’ has a very wide scope. It means illegal transactions of production and distribution of the services and goods that are prohibited by law or government. The term ‘Hoarding’ is not defined in any Act that is enacted in India....
Acquisition: An Opportunity to Acquire Budding Businesses in IndiaCheck with sellerLegal Services New Delhi (Delhi) October 30, 2023An acquisition of one or more enterprises, where certain prescribed assets or turnover thresholds are crossed, will need to comply with the merger control provisions contained in Sections 5 and 6 of the Competition Act, 2002 and the Competition Commi...
Acquisition: An Opportunity to Acquire Budding Businesses in IndiaCheck with sellerLegal Services New Delhi (Delhi) October 30, 2023An acquisition of one or more enterprises, where certain prescribed assets or turnover thresholds are crossed, will need to comply with the merger control provisions contained in Sections 5 and 6 of the Competition Act, 2002 and the Competition Commi...
Acquisition: An Opportunity to Acquire Budding Businesses in IndiaCheck with sellerLegal Services New Delhi (Delhi) October 30, 2023An acquisition of one or more enterprises, where certain prescribed assets or turnover thresholds are crossed, will need to comply with the merger control provisions contained in Sections 5 and 6 of the Competition Act, 2002 and the Competition Commi...
Criminal Attorney in Delhi NCRCheck with sellerLegal Services New Delhi (Delhi) October 30, 2023The term ‘Black-Marketing’ has a very wide scope. It means illegal transactions of production and distribution of the services and goods that are prohibited by law or government. The term ‘Hoarding’ is not defined in any Act that is enacted in India....