Legal Services
577 - 624 of 1105 listingsListings
Mergers: Tool to Survive the Second Wave of Covid19Check with sellerLegal Services New Delhi (Delhi) October 30, 2023A merger is a voluntary combining of two companies legally into one legal entity. The companies should have similar sizes, values and customer bases to be a merger and not an acquisition. If both parties expect to benefit from the merger, it qualifie...
Criminal Attorney in Delhi NCRCheck with sellerLegal Services New Delhi (Delhi) October 30, 2023The term ‘Black-Marketing’ has a very wide scope. It means illegal transactions of production and distribution of the services and goods that are prohibited by law or government. The term ‘Hoarding’ is not defined in any Act that is enacted in India....
Acquisition: An Opportunity to Acquire Budding Businesses in IndiaCheck with sellerLegal Services New Delhi (Delhi) October 30, 2023An acquisition of one or more enterprises, where certain prescribed assets or turnover thresholds are crossed, will need to comply with the merger control provisions contained in Sections 5 and 6 of the Competition Act, 2002 and the Competition Commi...
Acquisition: An Opportunity to Acquire Budding Businesses in IndiaCheck with sellerLegal Services New Delhi (Delhi) October 30, 2023An acquisition of one or more enterprises, where certain prescribed assets or turnover thresholds are crossed, will need to comply with the merger control provisions contained in Sections 5 and 6 of the Competition Act, 2002 and the Competition Commi...
Acquisition: An Opportunity to Acquire Budding Businesses in IndiaCheck with sellerLegal Services New Delhi (Delhi) October 30, 2023An acquisition of one or more enterprises, where certain prescribed assets or turnover thresholds are crossed, will need to comply with the merger control provisions contained in Sections 5 and 6 of the Competition Act, 2002 and the Competition Commi...
Criminal Attorney in Delhi NCRCheck with sellerLegal Services New Delhi (Delhi) October 30, 2023The term ‘Black-Marketing’ has a very wide scope. It means illegal transactions of production and distribution of the services and goods that are prohibited by law or government. The term ‘Hoarding’ is not defined in any Act that is enacted in India....
Moseley Collins LawFreeLegal Services Sacramento (California) October 28, 2023Moseley Collins Law Sacramento personal injury lawyer Moseley Collins helps individuals and their loved ones who have been injured in an accident seek compensation for their injuries. Moseley has been a personal injury attorney for over 40 years, rep...
Laws on Bail in India | Criminal Attorney in Delhi NCRCheck with sellerLegal Services South West Delhi (Delhi) October 28, 2023It is worthwhile first to briefly consider the criminal case of Sandeep Bhatra vs. State of Rajasthan & Another on 20th January, 2012 (S.B. Cr. Misc. Cancellation Application. No. 2975/2009) a short but an important question comes up for consideratio...
How and where can I apply for Anticipatory Bail | CriminalCheck with sellerLegal Services South West Delhi (Delhi) October 28, 2023Thus, Section 438 can be summarized as a statutory codification of the fundamental right to life and liberty provided to persons under the Indian Constitution. The rules to be followed while filing the application for availing the anticipatory bail a...
Grant of Bail in India | Criminal Attorney in Delhi NCR |Check with sellerLegal Services South West Delhi (Delhi) October 28, 2023In another criminal case Smt. Vasnthus Sumalatha vs. State of Andhra Pradesh (W.P. Nos. 6510 of 2015nd batch) dated 29/09/2015. it was stated that the detenu was granted bail in four of the six cases, and though he was enlarged on bail in four crimes...
Evidence-Basis of a Strong Criminal Defense | CriminalCheck with sellerLegal Services South West Delhi (Delhi) October 28, 2023The term ‘evidence’ as it relates to investigation, speaks to a wide range of information sources that might eventually inform the Court to prove or disprove points at issue before the tried fact. Sources of evidence can include anything from the obs...
Law on Live-in Relationships in India | Criminal Attorney in DelhiCheck with sellerLegal Services South West Delhi (Delhi) October 28, 2023The position on the maintenance rights of children out of marriage varies in personal marriage laws. For instance, under the Hindu Law, the father has to maintain the child, whereas under the Muslim Law the father has been absolved of such an obligat...
Enforcing an International Agreement for Outsourcing of IT WorkCheck with sellerLegal Services South West Delhi (Delhi) October 27, 2023Lastly, we have the facility of arbitration in India, or simply onshore arbitration which is considered a better choice than litigation before the judiciary. However, there are number of shortcomings when compared to the standard and accept version o...
Laws on Data Protection in India Technology in DelhiCheck with sellerLegal Services South West Delhi (Delhi) October 27, 2023It may be interesting to note that even without a specific legislation on data protection, our India based industry have well started the procedure of employing various measures in relation to data protection. Well, we also have the Bankers Bank, The...
Legality of Multi-level Marketing (mlm) & Direct in DelhiCheck with sellerLegal Services South West Delhi (Delhi) October 27, 2023In order to conclude it can easily be said that the Multi-level Marketing (mlm) or Online Direct Selling business is legal and/or legit in India. The best legal advice for an Entrepreneur who has a Multi-level Marketing (mlm) or Online Direct Selling...
Generic Medicines & their Trademarks | IP Attorney in DelhiCheck with sellerLegal Services South West Delhi (Delhi) October 27, 2023Hence, if a mark is derived from a popular generic drug or contains a common to the trade element, members of the trade and the public will pay more attention to the uncommon or new features in the mark, removing the possibility of confusion or decep...
The Wilhite Law FirmCheck with sellerLegal Services Aurora (Colorado) October 25, 2023Talk to a Skilled Colorado Personal Injury Lawyer Today If you have been injured due to someone else’s carelessness, you may be entitled to recover substantial legal compensation from the at-fault party. Call The Wilhite Law Firm today to get started...
Loan LawyersFreeLegal Services Fort Lauderdale (Florida) October 24, 2023Loan Lawyers is a team of experienced and compassionate foreclosure defense, bankruptcy, and debt defense lawyers in Fort Lauderdale who help clients throughout South Florida and the entire state. At Loan Lawyers, we understand the anxiety and frustr...
Legal Compliances under Foreign Exchange Management ActCheck with sellerLegal Services South West Delhi (Delhi) October 21, 2023Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) compliance in India means that money from outside the country is invested in a company in India by a business or an individual. In India, FDI Compliances allow a person or firm to invest in one nation for the purpose o...
Legal Compliances for Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) as perCheck with sellerLegal Services South West Delhi (Delhi) October 21, 2023Legal Compliances for Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) as per the Reserve Bank of India-Clothing & Apparel Industry: Best FDI Attorney Legal Advice in Delhi NCR
Legal Advice on Employment Documentation and Human ResourceCheck with sellerLegal Services South West Delhi (Delhi) October 21, 2023Companies also rely heavily on host nations’ FDI policies to increase employment, improve employment quality, and build human resource skills, as well as to mitigate any negative consequences that FDI may have had in these areas. Human resources are ...
Legal Advice on Execution of Agreements and CovenantsCheck with sellerLegal Services South West Delhi (Delhi) October 21, 2023The parties to contract should take reasonable precautions and draft the contract protecting the interest of both the parties to the contract and also by protecting the interest of beneficiaries, partners, shareholders etc. All agreements have a stan...
New Data Protection Law & it’s Impact on EdTech Industry in IndiaCheck with sellerLegal Services South West Delhi (Delhi) October 21, 2023It is expected that the PDP Bill would be reintroduced in Parliament in November or December of 2021. Despite significant delays, India’s data protection legislation will be implemented. To be ready for the next iteration of the law, educational tech...
The Power of Learn and Earn Companies: Unlocking Your Potential395007.00 US$Legal Services Surat (Gujarat) October 20, 2023Learn and Earn companies have revolutionized the way we approach learning and income generation. By embracing the concept of lifelong learning and providing flexible opportunities to earn while learning, these companies empower individuals to unlock ...
Applicable Laws & Legal CompliancesCheck with sellerLegal Services South West Delhi (Delhi) October 19, 2023Digital marketing has grown in popularity over the last few years, particularly among small businesses. Predictions indicate that digital marketing will expand significantly in scope in the years 2022 and beyond, particularly in emerging markets. A r...
Applicable Laws & Legal Compliances for IndiaCheck with sellerLegal Services South West Delhi (Delhi) October 19, 2023This Notification, combined with the recently introduced UAV Production Linked Incentive (“PLI”) plan, will encourage overseas manufacturers to establish a presence in India, while simultaneously delivering a boost to domestic production. This initia...
Franchise Business in a Nutshell: Best CorporateCheck with sellerLegal Services South West Delhi (Delhi) October 19, 2023Thus, the myth that the franchise business is a simple business wherein the legal compliances is/are way too less is busted. The franchise business runs around lot many legal compliances and a lot of laws are applicable upon the same. Having said tha...
Legal Remedies available to a FranchiseeCheck with sellerLegal Services South West Delhi (Delhi) October 19, 2023The sole reason why a franchise business saw its acceptance is the support mechanism offered by the Franchisor whereby a new Entrepreneur shall get easy access to already running and settled business and the Franchisee need not start from scratch. In...
Opening of Bank Accounts & Foreign DirectCheck with sellerLegal Services South West Delhi (Delhi) October 19, 2023Digital marketing has grown in popularity over the last few years, particularly among small businesses. Predictions indicate that digital marketing will expand significantly in scope in the years 2022 and beyond, particularly in emerging markets. A r...
Best Real Estate Attorney Advice in IndiaCheck with sellerLegal Services South West Delhi (Delhi) October 17, 2023The Indian government has provided a thorough description of the requirements and details that NRIs should keep in mind while trying to buy property in India. A circular from the RBI grants all NRIs the right to purchase real estate in India. An NRI ...
Guide to Real Estate Woos of NRI’sCheck with sellerLegal Services South West Delhi (Delhi) October 17, 2023“Non-Resident Indians or NRI’s face a plethora of difficulties in managing their real estate in India. Further, there are several internal factors which includes involvement of friends and families in IndIa which further makes it the property managem...
Principles Governing Rejection of Regular Bail Application-2Check with sellerLegal Services South West Delhi (Delhi) October 17, 20231. Bailable and Non-Bailable Offences: Bail is generally available for bailable offences but not for non-bailable offences. A bailable offence is an offence which is shown as bailable in the First Schedule of the Cr.P.C or which is made bailable by a...
Principles Governing Rejection of Regular Bail Application-1Check with sellerLegal Services South West Delhi (Delhi) October 16, 2023The criminal justice system in India has certain principles governing the rejection of regular bail. These principles are based on the nature and gravity of the offense, the character of the accused, and the likelihood of the accused absconding or co...
Principles Governing Grant of Regular BailCheck with sellerLegal Services South West Delhi (Delhi) October 16, 2023Bail is given to somebody who has been arrested or detained. Securing regular bail in India is the single most important event in criminal law. It helps an accused to secure his release from custody and also serves as a beacon of hope for the accused...
Top 10 FAQs on Filing of Civil LawsuitsCheck with sellerLegal Services New Delhi (Delhi) October 12, 20231. Can foreign individuals or foreign corporations file civil lawsuits in India? Answer: Yes, foreign individuals and foreign corporations can file civil lawsuits in India. 2. What types of civil lawsuits can foreign individuals or foreign corporatio...
Top 10 FAQs on Dispute Resolution MechanismCheck with sellerLegal Services New Delhi (Delhi) October 12, 20231. What is the dispute resolution mechanism in India for foreign investors? Answer: India provides various dispute resolution mechanisms to address conflicts and disputes faced by foreign investors. These mechanisms include judicial remedies through ...
Top 10 FAQs on Investor Protection MechanismCheck with sellerLegal Services New Delhi (Delhi) October 12, 20231. What is the investor protection mechanism in India for foreign investors? Answer: India has established a robust investor protection mechanism to safeguard the interests of foreign investors. This mechanism includes legal frameworks, regulatory bo...
Top 10 FAQs on Repatriation of FundsCheck with sellerLegal Services New Delhi (Delhi) October 12, 20231. What is fund repatriation, and why is it important for foreign investors in India? Answer: Fund repatriation refers to the process of transferring funds or profits earned by foreign investors from their investments in India back to their home coun...
Top 10 FAQs on Exit Route for Foreign InvestorsCheck with sellerLegal Services New Delhi (Delhi) October 12, 20231. What are the common exit routes available to foreign investors in struck real estate investments in India? Answer: Common exit routes include selling the property on the open market, entering into joint ventures with local developers, seeking buyb...
Top 15 FAQs on Opening of Assembly Lines & ManufacturingCheck with sellerLegal Services New Delhi (Delhi) October 11, 20231. Can foreign individuals or foreign corporations open assembly lines or manufacturing units in India? Answer: Yes, foreign individuals or foreign corporations can open assembly lines or manufacturing units in India, subject to compliance with relev...
Top 15 FAQs on Opening of Franchise in India by Foreign IndividualsCheck with sellerLegal Services New Delhi (Delhi) October 11, 20231. Can foreign individuals or foreign corporations open a franchise in India?Answer: Yes, foreign individuals or foreign corporations can open a franchise in India, subject to compliance with relevant laws and regulations. 2. What is a franchise?Answ...
Top 15 FAQs on Setting up Business in India by Foreign IndividualsCheck with sellerLegal Services New Delhi (Delhi) October 11, 20231. Can foreign individuals or foreign corporations set up a business in India?Answer: Yes, foreign individuals and foreign corporations can set up a business in India subject to certain rules and regulations. 2. What are the different forms of busine...
Applicable Laws & Procedure for Reporting Designs InfringementCheck with sellerLegal Services New Delhi (Delhi) October 11, 2023When a foreign individual or a foreign corporation believes that their design rights are being infringed upon in India then in that case it is important to understand the applicable laws and procedures for reporting and addressing designs infringemen...
Applicable Laws & Procedure for Reporting Copyright InfringementCheck with sellerLegal Services New Delhi (Delhi) October 11, 2023When a foreign individual or a foreign corporation believes that their copyright is being infringed upon in India, it is important to understand the applicable laws and procedures for reporting and addressing copyright infringement. Copyright infring...
Best DUI Defence & Impaired Driving Lawyer OttawaCheck with sellerLegal Services Ottawa (Ontario) October 11, 2023Have you been charged with a DUI in Ottawa? As an expert DUI & impaired driving lawyer, Brett McGarry will defend you against various criminal charges. As an expert Ottawa DUI lawyer, he has a successful track record of defending impaired driving cha...
Government of India Programmes for Attracting ForeignCheck with sellerLegal Services New Delhi (Delhi) October 7, 2023India has implemented several government programs and initiatives to attract foreign direct investment (FDI) into the country. The Government of India through its initiative has made endeavours on ease of doing business in India and is aiming to crea...
Top 10 Steps taken by the Indian Government for improving EaseCheck with sellerLegal Services New Delhi (Delhi) October 7, 2023The Indian government has undertaken various measures to improve the ease of doing business in the country, with a particular focus on attracting foreign individuals and corporations. These steps have aimed to simplify regulatory processes, reduce bu...
Overall Business Environment in India & Ease of Doing BusinessCheck with sellerLegal Services New Delhi (Delhi) October 7, 2023while India presents attractive business opportunities, the overall business environment can be challenging for foreign individuals and corporations. Regulatory complexities, legal considerations, and infrastructure gaps can pose hurdles for business...