Chandrasekhar's profile

Member: February 21, 2022
Listings: 11
Last active: February 21, 2022
  • Karnataka
    Education & Classes / Other Classes

    25.00 US$

    February 21, 2022

    Hello, I am in to yoga and self realization for over 27 years. Understanding the reality is the only valuable and meaningful job that anyone can do in life. Wasting whole life and time for earning temporary or unreal things brings you nothing. If one doesn't understand the reality, then ...

  • Aargau
    Education & Classes / Other Classes

    25.00 US$

    February 21, 2022

    Hello, I am in to yoga and self realization for over 27 years. Understanding the reality is the only valuable and meaningful job that anyone can do in life. Wasting whole life and time for earning temporary or unreal things brings you nothing. If one doesn't understand the reality, then ...

  • City Central
    Education & Classes / Other Classes

    25.00 US$

    February 21, 2022

    Hello, I am in to yoga and self realization for over 27 years. Understanding the reality is the only valuable and meaningful job that anyone can do in life. Wasting whole life and time for earning temporary or unreal things brings you nothing. If one doesn't understand the reality, then ...

  • Tokyo
    Education & Classes / Other Classes

    25.00 US$

    February 21, 2022

    Hello, I am in to yoga and self realization for over 27 years. Understanding the reality is the only valuable and meaningful job that anyone can do in life. Wasting whole life and time for earning temporary or unreal things brings you nothing. If one doesn't understand the reality, then ...

  • Centre
    Education & Classes / Other Classes

    25.00 Euro €

    February 21, 2022

    Hello, I am in to yoga and self realization for over 27 years. Understanding the reality is the only valuable and meaningful job that anyone can do in life. Wasting whole life and time for earning temporary or unreal things brings you nothing. If one doesn't understand the reality, then ...

  • Eastern
    Education & Classes / Other Classes

    25.00 US$

    February 21, 2022

    Hello, I am in to yoga and self realization for over 27 years. Understanding the reality is the only valuable and meaningful job that anyone can do in life. Wasting whole life and time for earning temporary or unreal things brings you nothing. If one doesn't understand the reality, then ...

  • Melbourne
    Education & Classes / Other Classes

    25.00 US$

    February 21, 2022

    Hello, I am in to yoga and self realization for over 27 years. Understanding the reality is the only valuable and meaningful job that anyone can do in life. Wasting whole life and time for earning temporary or unreal things brings you nothing. If one doesn't understand the reality, then ...

  • London
    Education & Classes / Other Classes

    20.00 Pound £

    February 21, 2022

    Hello, I understood the importance of yoga in my childhood and I have been teaching yoga for over 25 years. Yoga is very important in life, I hope everyone has realised about it now after seeing COVID-19. I teach pranayama and meditation that are key to be healthy. Health is wealth, only...

  • London
    Education & Classes / Other Classes

    20.00 Pound £

    February 21, 2022

    Hello, I am in to yoga and self realization for over 27 years. Understanding the reality is the only valuable and meaningful job that anyone can do in life. Wasting whole life and time for earning temporary or unreal things brings you nothing. If one doesn't understand the reality, then ...

  • New York
    Education & Classes / Other Classes

    25.00 US$

    February 21, 2022

    Hello, I understood the importance of yoga in my childhood and I have been teaching yoga for over 25 years. Yoga is very important in life, I hope everyone has realised about it now after seeing COVID-19. I teach pranayama and meditation that are key to be healthy. Health is wealth, only...